B.C.’s finance minister, Mike de Jong, urges Canada Revenue Agency to “diligently” enforce the law following a report that speculators are flipping homes in B.C. without paying tax. Business News Network (BNN) invites Jonathan Cooper, Vice President of Operations at Macdonald Real Estate Group to share his opinions.
Tax evasion in B.C. real estate market happening but rare
(To view the video on mobile devices, please click here for direct play on BNN.)
About Macdonald Real Estate Group
Based in Vancouver, Canada, Macdonald Real Estate Group (MREG) has an annual sales volume of over $7 billion and over $2 billion in assets under management. With more than 20 offices and nearly 1,000 staff and REALTORS®, MREG offers a full range of real estate services, including residential and commercial brokerage, property and strata management, project marketing, and the MREG Canadian Real Estate Investment Centre in Shanghai, China. Macdonald Realty is the residential division of Macdonald Real Estate Group. For more information, visit www.macrealty.com.