Here are the latest real estate market statistics from Macdonald Realty on Okanagan listings and sales in August 2023.
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Central Okanagan: Kelowna and Lake Country
There were 157 sales, 1,129 active listings, and $1,068,600 average sale price for detached homes in the Central Okanagan market, including Kelowna and Lake Country. The condo market featured 100 sales and 507 active listings at the end of the month. The average sale price was $525,700. Townhome sales were 67, active listings were 315 and the average sale price was $766,000. It’s a balanced market for townhomes and condos in Central Okanagan.

North Okanagan: Vernon and surrounding area
In North Okanagan, including Vernon and the surrounding area and the average detached home sale price was $763,100. At the end of the month, there were 65 sales and 393 active listings. There were 17 sales and 51 active listings for condos. The average sale price was $350,400. In comparison, townhomes featured 30 sales, 86 active listings and a $576,400 average sale price. It’s a seller’s market for townhomes and condos in North Okanagan.

South Okanagan
There were 63 sales, 516 active listings, and $770,000 average sale price for detached homes in the South Okanagan market.
The condo market featured 25 sales and 194 active listings at the end of the month. The average sale price was $449,300. Townhome sales were 20, active listings were 138 and the average sale price was $557,100. It’s a buyer’s market in South Okanagan.

Looking for more information about the real estate market in specific neighbourhoods in Okanagan?
Macdonald Realty has offices in Kelowna and across BC. Please email or call 1-877-278-3888 to be matched with a REALTOR® working in your area.
This blog post is based on market data provided by the Association Of Interior REALTORS®